About the game

  • Story year: Present time
  • Setting: A magic show that landed in Finland from Europe
  • Geographic place: Finland
  • Lighting: Bright, dim
  • Game languages: Finnish, English
  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Number of players: 2-6 players
  • Accessibility: The venue at Fabianinkatu is accessible, but unfortunately the game is not. The game contains flashing lights and loud sounds.

A great magician is coming to town with his amazing magical show! He can make anything vanish! The magician is either very skillful or very careless with the use of his powers – how else could you explain what happens to the audience?

This game is action-packed, magical and full of surprises.

The game is suitable for players of all ages, but recommended for 9 years and up. Note that at least one of the players must be over 16 years old.

The team behind

The game has been radically updated in February 2023. The 2023 update: Virgo Karp, Yvonne Karsten.

The original game was designed by students of game design at Aalto University: Lassi Vapaakallio, Anna-Maija Laine, Ina Dolk, Mikko Kolehmainen, Harri Dammert, Arto-Oskar Reunanen, Anna-Maija Hajasalmi, Eve Koivurinta
Mentors and assistants: Miika Junnila and Yvonne Karsten
IT: Johan Höglund, Virgo Karp

Pictures from the game