About the game

  • Story: Following over thousands of years old message
  • Game location: Tähtitorninmäki park
  • Starting location: Fabianinkatu 23
  • Finishing location: Fabianinkatu 23
  • Game languages: Finnish, English
  • Time limit: 1,5h
  • Number of players: 2-6 players / group
  • Number of groups: 1-2 groups
  • Accessibility: In the game, you move about a 2 kilometre long route in the park area.


A strange message has arrived, from a time long past, asking for your help. We don’t know who sent this message, but it seems to be centuries, maybe millenniums old. We succeeded in locating from where the message was first sent, and with the help of this map you might find your way there. We can just hope that going there could bring you some answers.

This lovely fairytale game takes place in the Observatory’s Park (Tähtitorninmäen puisto), far from traffic and other disturbances. To aid you on the mission, you will get an iPad with a map and puzzles, and a backpack with a storybook and some necessary magical items.

The age recommendation for this game is 5+, accompanied by an adult. Note, that at least one of the players must be over 16 years old.


Booking instructions:
Outdoor games are booked per team instead of by the number of players, and each team can consist of 2-6 players. If you want to book one game, add one slot to your cart. The calendar’s “1 player” indicates one game, and there is no option to select the number of players for outdoor games.
For example, if you have 6 players but want to compete in two teams, select 2 games. In this case, make the booking by selecting the same time slot twice and adding it to your cart.
For bookings involving more than two teams, please contact us via email at contact@escaperoom.fi.


The team behind

Game design, puzzle design, illustrations and props: Alma Kilpi, Noora Seppänen, Valpuri Partanen | Manuscript: Valpuri Partanen | Video: Noora Seppänen | Voice actors: Noora Seppänen, Eero Leno, Raphaël Verstraeten, Yvonne Karsten | Mixing: Noora Seppänen | Music: Samuli Seppänen, Paju Poijärvi | IT: Georgi Obatnin